The following is adapted from
Is your team and/or organization:
- Slowed down by conflict, poor communication, silo-mentality and internal competition?
- Experiencing high turnover, absenteeism and health care costs?
- Continuously facing employee relations problems or stifled by low morale?
- Slow to respond to changes in the market or external environment, losing market share or declining in profitability?
- Lacking creativity or void of the inspiration to seize opportunities, solve problems or achieve financial, operational or customer service goals?
- Void of initiative, empowered action, risk-taking, personal leadership and enthusiasm among its people?
- Achieving goals but at the cost of high stress that cannot be sustained over time?
If your organization is experiencing any of these symptoms, then restoring its health and balance may be a critical step to restoring the viability and success of your organization. A healthy organization not only benefits its people, it can respond rapidly to change and achieve extraordinary operational and financial success.
Why Is Organizational Health and Balance Important?
Your organization is like the human body, it requires a life-nurturing inner terrain that is healthy and balanced for optimum performance. If there is underlying dis-ease in the human body, it cannot respond optimally to even the healthiest treatment. Similarly, if there is underlying dis-ease in your team or organization’s operating system, then it cannot achieve its optimal success.
When the underlying health and balance is not optimal, then your team or organization also cannot absorb the benefits of initiatives that try to fix its presenting symptoms – such as teambuilding efforts, or process improvements efforts, training, rewards, etc. Efforts like these that address the surface level rather than addressing the underlying internal terrain or operating system cannot sustain success. In the book, The 8th Habit, Stephen Covey says that” 90% of all change efforts fail.” Most organizations do not attend to the core level issues that support the success of the change efforts that they invest in.
What Can You Do?
You can learn to attend to "the operating system" upon which everything that you try to achieve is reliant upon using a holistic approach to achieving health and balance. Every living organism, including every organization, at its core knows its own blueprint for its optimal health. The path to health and balance is unique for each team and organization; no two paths will be identical.
Exploring organizational health and balance is not a prescriptive process but rather it provides you with the confidence and tools you will need to identify where your team/organization is currently, diagnose any underlying causes of dis-ease and identify opportunities and a path toward restoring the optimal state of health and balance for your team or organization. Your learning from this experiential, interactive process will include:
- A practical, holistic diagnostic framework for looking at your own organization
- A practical, holistic framework for achieving and maintaining long-term organizational health
- Knowledge of how to increase your organization’s capacity to respond to rapid change
- A completed diagnosis of your organization from which you can build your blueprint to health and balance and
- An understanding of the importance of relationships, based on genuine contact, to achieve results beyond your expectations
Contact us to schedule an organizational health and balance assessment for your team or organization.
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